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Motion Digital, who we are and our contribution to LearnGen project

Motion Digital, who we are and our contribution to LearnGen project

Motion Digital is a start-up founded in 2019 in Czech Republic, in Prague – the heart of Europe. Our mission is to enrich people’s lives in a sustainable environment through technology, exponential growth, and human development. And our core purpose is to empower lifelong learners to take control of their lives and drive systemic changes which improve the quality of life.

We are proud to embrace our main values of:

  •  Diversity & Inclusion
  •  Responsibility & Sustainability
  •  Growth Mindset
  •  Honesty & Integrity

As part of our mission we are connecting with other organisations and educational institutions in Europe with a similar goal. We work together on international projects with the theme of wellbeing, inclusion and sustainability funded by Erasmus+.

We are a proud partner of a multi-country consortium, working together on a project called LearnGen: Intergenerational Mentoring and Learning in the Workplace. The focus of the project is to address the issues of ageism and social exclusion in the workplace as evidenced by the bias, discrimination and segregation of marginalized workers.  Both older workers as well as young workers need to develop the necessary core skills to teach and learn from each other. According to the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), 70% of EU workers need at least moderate digital skills to perform their tasks. These are becoming core skills needed for their employability and career success. This is especially a big issue for older employees (age 55+) who face discimination in employment and access to goods and services (40% of EU citizens believe there is widespread age discrimination in their country according to the 2019 Eurobarometer).

At Motion Digital, we are very excited to embark on this project and the impact that we can make in our community. Our team and our partners will develop and disseminate a curriculum which will be accessed and used by many trainers, HR professionals and other managers. Through this we aspire to help older workers narrow their generational gap and younger workers to improve their skills, in the pursuit of improving intergenerational learning for both groups, empowering them and confidently integrating them in the workplace.

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    Project Number: 2020-1-BG01-KA202-079064
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