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Piloting of LearnGen eLearning Platform

Taking the progress of the LearnGen project and the completion of the eLearning platform a presentation following by a piloting session was conducted in order to illustrate the results of our project. The participants of the piloting were employees of the Bank of Cyprus, which is a leading organization in Cyprus that were interested in our project aims and outcomes.

Our participants consisted of people with versatile experiences and expertise in the Banking sector. Throughout the presentation of our project we spread awareness to them about the importance of intergenerational learning, Knowledge Transfer, Inclusion, and Diversity within the workplace.

By the end of the presentation, our participants were guided to enter LearnGen eLearning platform and were shown how the platform works as well as how to utilize the material on it. Finally, according to the formal feedback we received, nearly all of the participants enjoyed the presentation and found it interesting and helpful for their progress and professional development. Also, they enjoyed the use of the eLearning platform and found it very easy to navigate the platform.

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    Project Number: 2020-1-BG01-KA202-079064
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