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Mindshift team speaks about intergenerational mentoring and learning

Mindshift team speaks about intergenerational mentoring and learning

Ana Loya, CEO

In 1920, Erich Scheurnmann wrote the The Papalagui, a literary masterpiece that proves us that the way different cultures see the work can create insurmountable barriers in communication. Ageism is one of the greatest communication enemies within a culture. Since this prejudice affects mainly older people, it is necessary that they open up to learn with the youngest about new ways of communication, otherwise both generations will only coexist in parallel worlds.


Hugo Bernardes, Partner

In the current civilisational paradigm shift with the digital transformation of organisations and societies, generational cross mentoring programmes are one of the most effective techniques to boost dual learning. Seniors pass on their working experience and knowledge to the youngest and these teach the most experienced to know and use digital tools and new forms of communication.


Isabel Nunes, Director

Paraphrasing the American film director Steven Spielberg, “The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image but giving them the opportunity to create themselves.” I see mentoring relationships as a unique way to promote intergenerational learning, personal and professional growth, and networking opportunities.


Sandra Araújo, Project Manager

From the ancient Greek, the word mentor designates someone who gives a younger and less experienced person guidance and counselling. In times of accelerated technological change, intergenerational mentoring is a win-win approach to foster knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences. Introducing a healthy shift on the power relations within organisations, reverse mentoring helps to build sustainable work relationships and collaborative learning processes, which are key to foster inclusive work environments.


Célia Tavares, Project Manager

A Portuguese journalist, Catarina Nunes, once said: “one day, the world will be a great place where nobody is seen as old but rather as someone further down the path of life”. Fostering relations between different generations is a way to achieve that utopia. Learning happens all the time. Intergenerational learning is, as I would dare to say, life itself.



Ana Paulino, Project Manager

I believe intergenerational learning is a place of relation and empathy, between younger and older, beginners and experts, where stories and competencies are shared to nourish each other’s growth. It is the unique opportunity to preserve our roots, rebuild our circumstances, and act as changemakers of our futures, effectively creating meaning from being together and establishing strong bonds with others.



Vasco Gaião, Project Manager

Among different strategies that exist for companies to deal positively with an ageing working population, there is — in addition to traditional mentoring — reverse mentoring. This strategy brings together younger employees as mentors of older employers to train them on topics that are usually better mastered by young people, such as new technologies and digital tools. This way, reverse mentoring plays an important role in bridging the gap across generations in the workplace.


About Mindshift

Mindshift Talent Advisory is a consulting company specialised in Human Resources that invests in the performance and upskilling of people’s competences, focusing on boosting the digital and interpersonal maturity in organisations and society.

At a European level, Mindshift operates as a strategic partner in developing innovative solutions in the field of education and training. To ensure the impact of every cooperation project, we work in close cooperation with local partners representing a range of NGOs, educational providers, social economy players, different business sectors, professional networks and public bodies.

Currently, Mindshift’s key-areas of action are upskilling & reskilling; inclusion & employability; sustainable development; women empowerment; entrepreneurship & creativity; and digital talent.

Mindshift brings together a team of staff with various backgrounds and professional experience, based in three regions of Portugal: Lisbon, Centre, and Oporto.


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