Intergenerational Learning Curriculum

The curriculum will be equivalent to 18 hours of blended learning. The main output of the modules will be a draft of a strategy document and a draft program design integrating digital tools and targeting managers, trainers and HR professionals. An 8-hour workshop will be delivered to the managers, HR professionals and Trainers, followed by 5 hours of independent/group online learning. The independent/group learning will include live online tutoring and optional additional face-to-face meetings.

Most of the material – outcomes of IO1 will be uploaded in our platform.

Training Package for employees trained to become Mentors

It will comprise blended learning, including face-to-face and digital learning solutions, to accommodate the different learning styles and needs of the 2 distinct generation target groups of the project.

Most of the material – outcomes of IO1 will be uploaded in our platform.

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Project Number: 2020-1-BG01-KA202-079064
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